Job Qualifications
- Proposal creation skill / Presentation Skills / Product Knowledge
Deal Negotiator / Deal Closer
- Skill to understand owner requirements / Negotiation skills / Contract Creation Skills
- Skill to manage online advertising / Creative design skill / Analysis skill
Business Producer / “Initiative” generator
- Initiative creation skill / initiative execution skill
Hotel Designer (Architecture & Branding)
- Architecture and hotel regulation understanding / Cost estimation skill / Branding design elements / Hotel business understanding in big picture
- Interpersonal Skills / Positive mindset / Financial and investment knowledge / Hotel designing knowledge
Job Details
- Conduct basic works with support -> One way communication process
- Create draft of proposal and P&L and present with helps
- To call and contact back to new inquiry from every channel (Email, LineOA, Call…)
- Take ownership proposals and P&L and Confidently present proposal to a hotel owner
- Confidently present Koko Global Hospitality full business model and all of services
Deal Negotiator / Deal Closer
- Understand pain points of the owner
- Proactively ask appropriate questions to owners
- Independently describe what the owner’s pain point is and think of a solution for the pain point
- Understand ceiling and bottom of KGH business fee structure and item list to play around
- Mainly plan and conduct basic marketing initiatives and run
- Understanding main channel and type to create new inquiry (Push, Pull, Direct, Referral...)
- Create and finish the initiative to conduct new inquiry from each channel (each 1 time required)
- To understand and focusing on Thai market
Business Producer / “Initiative” generator
- Understand the business and industrial
- Understand how hotel operator industrial work and standard
- Understand how koko Global Hospitality business work, where revenue come and where cost out
- Understand what role of each department (how related between each department and how related with property’s performance)
Hotel Designer (Architecture & Branding)
- Create draft design and draft cost estimate
- To understand fundamental law related with building regulation and hotel regulation (Urban, setback, void fire staircase, corridor, heigh)
- Planning new building floor plan with help from others and create cost renovation with help from others
- To understand how related of hotel business between architecture design, branding, sales…. to the operation side until result of performance
- วันหยุด 2 วันต่อสัปดาห์
- ค่าโทรศัพท์
- ค่าบริการ (เซอร์วิจชาร์จ)
- ประกันสังคม
- เบี้ยเลี้ยงทางการแพทย์
- กองทุนสำรองเลี้ยงชีพ
- Public Holiday
- Annual Leave
Apply online